


enum StringBuilder[_: Eff]Source
case StringBuilder(java.lang.StringBuilder)

Represents a StringBuilder.


def append(x: a, sb: StringBuilder[r]): Unit \ r with ToString[a] Source

Append x to the StringBuilder sb.

def appendCodePoint(cp: Int32, sb: StringBuilder[r]): Unit \ r Source

Append the code point cp to the StringBuilder sb.

def appendLine(s: String, sb: StringBuilder[r]): Unit \ r Source

Append the String s followed by the system line separator to the StringBuilder sb.

def appendLineSeparator(sb: StringBuilder[r]): Unit \ r Source

Append the system line separator to the StringBuilder sb.

def appendLineWith(f: a -> String \ ef, x: a, sb: StringBuilder[r]): Unit \ ef + r Source

Appends f(x) to the string builder sb.

def appendLines(a: Array[String, r1], sb: StringBuilder[r2]): Unit \ r1 + r2 Source

Appends each string in the array a to the string builder sb.

def appendLinesWith(f: a -> String \ ef, t: t[a], sb: StringBuilder[r]): Unit \ ef + r + Aef[t] with Foldable[t] Source

Appends f(x) for each x in the foldable collection t to the string builder sb.

def appendString(s: String, sb: StringBuilder[r]): Unit \ r Source

Append the String s to the StringBuilder sb.

def empty(_: Region[r]): StringBuilder[r] \ r Source

Returns a new mutable StringBuilder.

def enumerator(rc1: Region[r1], sb: StringBuilder[r2]): Iterator[(Int32, Char), r1 + r2, r1] \ r1 + r2 Source

Returns an iterator over l zipped with the indices of the elements.

def intercalate(sep: String, a: Array[String, r1], sb: StringBuilder[r2]): Unit \ r1 + r2 Source

Append the array of strings a separating each pair of string with sep to the StringBuilder sb.

def iterator(rc: Region[r1], sb: StringBuilder[r2]): Iterator[Char, r1 + r2, r1] \ r1 + r2 Source

Returns an iterator over sb.

def length(sb: StringBuilder[r]): Int32 \ r Source

Return the number of characters in the StringBuilder sb.

def setLength(newLength: Int32, sb: StringBuilder[r]): Unit \ r Source

Sets the length of the StringBuilder sb.

def size(sb: StringBuilder[r]): Int32 \ r Source

Return the number of characters in the StringBuilder sb.

def toString(sb: StringBuilder[r]): String \ r Source

Convert the StringBuilder sb to a string.