



def abbreviateLeft(w: Int32, s: String): String Source

Abbreviate the string s if it exceeds the width w.

If the length of s exceeds w and w >= 3 then s is truncated and the first three characters are replaced with ellipses.

If the length of s exceeds w and w < 3 then the empty string is returned.

def abbreviateRight(w: Int32, s: String): String Source

Abbreviate the string s if it exceeds the width w.

If the length of s exceeds w and w >= 3 then s is truncated and the last three characters are replaced with ellipses.

If the length of s exceeds w and w < 3 then the empty string is returned.

def breakOnLeft(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): (String, String) Source

Find the first instance of substr in string s, return a pair of the prefix of string s up to substr and the rest of string s including substr.

def breakOnRight(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): (String, String) Source

Find the last instance of substr in string s, return a pair of the initial string including substr and suffix from substr.

def center(w: Int32, c: Char, s: String): String Source

Center the string s by padding with the supplied char c on both sides to fit the width w.

If the length of the string exceeds the given width, the string will be returned unchanged.

Requiring an uneven number of spaces, the string will be left biased, e.g String.center(4, '_', "a") -> "_a__".

def charAt(i: Int32, s: String): Char Source

Returns the character at position i in the string s.

def codePointAt(i: Int32, s: String): Int32 Source

Returns the code point at position i in the string s.

def commonPrefix(s1: String, s2: String): String Source

Return the common prefix of strings s1 and s2.

Returns the empty string if s1 and s2 do not share a common prefix.

def commonSuffix(s1: String, s2: String): String Source

Return the common suffix of strings s1 and s2.

Returns the empty string if s1 and s2 do not share a common suffix.

def concat(s1: String, s2: String): String Source

Returns the string s1 followed by the string s2.

def contains(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if and only if substr is an infix of s.

def countSubstring(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): Int32 Source

Count the occurrences of substr in string s.

def drop(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Alias for dropLeft.

def dropLeft(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Drop the first n characters of string s from the left.

If n extends past the end of string s, return the empty string.

def dropRight(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Drop the last n characters of string s from the right.

If n is greater than the length of string s, return the empty string.

def dropWhile(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): String Source

Alias for dropWhileLeft.

def dropWhileAround(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): String Source

Returns the middle of string s after dropping all the characters from both ends that satisfy the predicate f.

The function f must be pure.

def dropWhileLeft(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): String Source

Returns the tail of string s after dropping all the initial chars that satisfy the predicate f.

The function f must be pure.

def dropWhileRight(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): String Source

Returns the front of string s after dropping all the characters from the right end that satisfy the predicate f.

The function f must be pure.

def endsWith(suffix: { suffix = String }, s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if the string s ends with the string suffix.

def enumerator(rc: Region[r], s: String): Iterator[(Int32, Char), r, r] \ r Source

Returns an iterator over l zipped with the indices of the elements.

def exists(f: Char -> Bool \ ef, s: String): Bool \ ef Source

Returns true if and only if at least one char in s satisfies the predicate f.

Returns false if a is empty.

def findIndexOfLeft(f: Char -> Bool \ ef, s: String): Option[Int32] \ ef Source

Optionally returns the position of the first character in x satisfying f.

Returns None if no character in s satisfies f.

def findIndexOfRight(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): Option[Int32] Source

Optionally return the position of the first character in s satisfying f, reading right to left.

If nothing satisfies f return None.

def findIndices(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): List[Int32] Source

Returns the positions of the all the elements in s satisfying f.

The function f must be pure.

def flatten(xs: List[String]): String Source

Concatenate a list of strings into a single string.

def foldLeft(f: b -> (Char -> b \ ef), x: b, s: String): b \ ef Source

Applies f to a start value x and all elements in s going from left to right.

def foldLeft2(f: b -> (Char -> (Char -> b \ ef)), x: b, s: String, t: String): b \ ef Source

Accumulates the result of applying f pairwise to the elements of s and t starting with the initial value x and going from left to right.

def foldRight(f: Char -> (b -> b \ ef), x: b, s: String): b \ ef Source

Applies f to a start value x and all elements ins` going from right to left.

def foldRight2(f: Char -> (Char -> (b -> b \ ef)), x: b, s: String, t: String): b \ ef Source

Accumulates the result of applying f pairwise to the elements of s and t starting with the initial value x and going from right to left.

def forAll(f: Char -> Bool \ ef, s: String): Bool \ ef Source

Returns true if and only if all chars in s satisfy the predicate f.

Returns true if s is empty.

def indent(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Indent every line in string s by n spaces. n must be greater than 0.

If the string s in nonempty, the returned string normalizes line termination characters and adds a line terminator to the last line of the string if it does not already end with a newline.

If the string s is empty, then the empty string is returned.

def indexOf(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): Option[Int32] Source

Alias for indexOfLeft.

def indexOfLeft(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): Option[Int32] Source

Return the index of the first occurrence of substr in s from the left.

If substr is not present in s return None.

If substr is the empty string return None.

def indexOfLeftWithOffset(substr: { substr = String }, offset: { offset = Int32 }, s: String): Option[Int32] Source

This is indexOfLeft with a start offset.

Returns None if substr is the empty string.

def indexOfRight(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): Option[Int32] Source

Return the index of the first occurrence of substr in s from the right.

If substr is not present in s return None.

If substr is the empty string return None.

def indexOfRightWithOffset(substr: { substr = String }, offset: { offset = Int32 }, s: String): Option[Int32] Source

This is indexOfRight with a start offset.

Returns None if substr is the empty string.

def indices(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): List[Int32] Source

Returns the positions of the all the occurrences of substr in s.

Returns Nil if substr is the empty string.

def init(f: Int32 -> Char \ ef, len: Int32): String \ ef Source

Build a string of length len by applying f to the successive indices.

def intercalate(sep: String, xs: List[String]): String Source

Concatenate a list of strings into a single string, inserting the separator sep between each pair of strings.

def intercalateChar(sep: Char, xs: List[String]): String Source

Concatenate a list of strings into a single string, inserting the separator sep between each pair of strings.

def isAscii(s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if and only if all chars in s are ascii characters.

Returns true if s is empty.

def isEmpty(s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if the string s is the empty string.

def isMatch(regex: { regex = String }, s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if the entire string s is matched by the regular expression regex.

Note - use isSubmatch to search for a substring.

def isSubmatch(regex: { regex = String }, s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if the string s is matched by the regular expression regex at any point.

def isWhiteSpace(s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if and only if all chars in s are white space characters.

Returns true if s is empty.

def iterator(rc: Region[r], s: String): Iterator[Char, r, r] \ r Source

Returns an iterator over s.

def length(s: String): Int32 Source

Returns the number of characters the string s.

def levenshteinDistance(s: String, t: String): Int32 Source

Calculate the Levenshtein distance between the strings s and t.

The answer is the number deletions, insertions or substitutions needed to turn string s into string t.

def lineSeparator(): String Source

Get the system line separator.

def lines(s: String): List[String] Source

Split the string s into an array of lines, breaking on newline.

Newline is recognized as any Unicode linebreak sequence including Windows (carriage return, line feed) or Unix (line feed).

def map(f: Char -> Char \ ef, s: String): String \ ef Source

Returns the result of applying f to every character in s.

def mapWithIndex(f: Int32 -> (Char -> Char \ ef), s: String): String \ ef Source

Returns the result of applying f to every character in s along with that character's index.

def nonEmpty(s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if the string s is non-empty.

def nth(i: Int32, s: String): Option[Char] Source

Optionally return the character at position i in the string s.

def nthCodePoint(i: Int32, s: String): Option[Int32] Source

Optionally returns the code point at position i in the string s.

def padLeft(w: Int32, c: Char, s: String): String Source

Pad the string s at the left with the supplied char c to fit the width w.

def padRight(w: Int32, c: Char, s: String): String Source

Pad the string s at the right with the supplied char c to fit the width w.

def patch(i: Int32, n: Int32, sub: String, s: String): String Source

Returns s with the n elements starting at index i replaced with the elements of sub.

If any of the indices i, i+1, i+2, ... , i+n-1 are out of range in s then no patching is done at these indices. If s becomes depleted then no further patching is done. If patching occurs at index i+j in s, then the element at index j in sub is used.

def repeat(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Returns a string with the string s repeated n times.

Returns the empty string if n < 0.

def replace(src: { src = String }, dst: { dst = String }, s: String): String Source

Returns s with every match of the substring src replaced by the string dst.

def replaceChar(src: { src = Char }, dst: { dst = Char }, s: String): String Source

Returns s with every match of the character src replaced by the character dst.

def replaceFirstMatch(regex: { regex = String }, to: { to = String }, s: String): String Source

Returns s with the first match of the regular expression regex replaced by the string to.

def replaceMatches(regex: { regex = String }, to: { to = String }, s: String): String Source

Returns s with every match of the regular expression regex replaced by the string to.

def reverse(s: String): String Source

Returns the reverse of s.

def rotateLeft(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Rotate the contents of string s by n steps to the left.

def rotateRight(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Rotate the contents of string s by n steps to the right.

def size(s: String): Int32 Source

Returns the number of characters the string s.

def slice(start: { start = Int32 }, end: { end = Int32 }, s: String): String Source

Returns the substring of s from index b (inclusive) to index e (exclusive).

If b or e are out-of-bounds, return the empty string.

def sliceLeft(end: { end = Int32 }, s: String): String Source

Get the substring of s to the left of index end (exclusive).

sliceLeft == slice(0 , e, s)

def sliceRight(start: { start = Int32 }, s: String): String Source

Get the substring of s to the right starting at index start (inclusive).

sliceRight == slice(start , length(s), s)

def split(regex: { regex = String }, s: String): List[String] Source

Splits the string s around matches of the regular expression regex.

def splitAt(n: Int32, s: String): (String, String) Source

Split the string s at the position n returning the left and right (inclusive n) parts.

If n exceeds the length of string s, return the whole string paired with the empty string. Symmetrically for n less than 0.

def splitOn(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): List[String] Source

Split the string s on matches of substr.

def startsWith(prefix: { prefix = String }, s: String): Bool Source

Returns true if the string s starts with the string prefix.

def stripIndent(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Strip every indented line in string s by n spaces. n must be greater than 0. Note, tabs are counted as a single space.

If the string s in nonempty, the returned string normalizes line termination characters and adds a line terminator to the last line of the string if it does not already end with a newline.

If the string s is empty, then the empty string is returned.

def stripMargin(s: String): String Source

For every line in string s, strip a leading prefix consisting of blanks or control characters followed by | from the line, if such a prefix exists.

def stripMarginWith(margin: { margin = String }, s: String): String Source

For every line in string s, strip a leading prefix consisting of blanks or control characters followed by margin from the line, if such a prefix exists.

def stripPrefix(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): Option[String] Source

Returns Some(suffix) of string s if its prefix matches substr.

def stripSuffix(substr: { substr = String }, s: String): Option[String] Source

Returns Some(prefix) of string s if its suffix matches substr.

def take(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Alias for takeLeft.

def takeLeft(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Take the first n characters of string s from the left.

If n extends past the end of string s, return all the characters of s.

def takeRight(n: Int32, s: String): String Source

Take the last n characters of string s from the right.

If n is greater than the length of string s, return all the characters of s.

def takeWhile(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): String Source

Alias for takeWileLeft.

def takeWhileLeft(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): String Source

Returns the initial prefix of string s where all the chars satisfy the predicate f.

The function f must be pure.

def takeWhileRight(f: Char -> Bool, s: String): String Source

Returns the suffix of string s where all the characters satisfy the predicate f.

The function f must be pure.

def toArray(rc: Region[r], s: String): Array[Char, r] \ r Source

Returns the given string s as an array of characters.

def toChunks(k: Int32, s: String): List[String] Source

Split the string s into chunks of length k, the last chunk may be smaller than k.

k should be greater than 0.

def toList(s: String): List[Char] Source

Returns the given string s as a list of characters.

def toLowerCase(s: String): String Source

Returns the lower case version of the string s.

def toRegex(regex: String): Result[String, Regex] Source

Compile the regular expression regex into a Regex object (internally a Regex is java.util.regex.Pattern).

Returns Err if the regex is ill-formed and cannot be compiled.

The syntax of regular expressions is the same as Java, see the JDK Javadocs of the class util.regex.Pattern for reference.

Warning: It is strongly recommended to use a Regex literal instead of toRegex. Regex literals are checked at compile time.

def toRegexWithFlags(flags: Set[Flag], regex: String): Result[String, Regex] Source

Compile the regular expression regex into a Regex with the supplied flags.

Returns Err if the regex is ill-formed and cannot be compiled.

Warning: It is strongly recommended to use a Regex literal instead of toRegexWithFlags. Regex literals are checked at compile time. See the JDK documentation of java.util.regex.Pattern for guidance on enabling flags with embedded flag expressions.

def toUpperCase(s: String): String Source

Returns the upper case version of the string s.

def toVector(s: String): Vector[Char] Source

Returns the given string s as a vector of characters.

def trim(s: String): String Source

Returns a copy of the string s without trailing and leading whitespaces.

Returns a new empty string if there is no characters in s.

def trimLeft(s: String): String Source

Returns string s with all leading space characters removed.

def trimRight(s: String): String Source

Returns string s with all trailing space characters removed.

def unfold(f: b -> Option[(Char, b)] \ ef, x: b): String \ ef Source

Build a string from the seed value x applying the function f until f returns None.

def unfoldString(f: b -> Option[(String, b)] \ ef, x: b): String \ ef Source

Build a string from the seed value x applying the function f until f returns None.

This is a version of unfold where f generates substrings rather than chars.

def unfoldStringWithIter(f: Unit -> Option[String] \ ef): String \ ef Source

Build a string by applying the function next to (). next is expected to encapsulate a stateful resource such as a file handle that can be iterated.

next should return Some(s) to signal a new substring s.

next should return None to signal the end of building the string.

def unfoldWithIter(f: Unit -> Option[Char] \ ef): String \ ef Source

Build a string by applying the function next to (). next is expected to encapsulate a stateful resource such as a file handle that can be iterated.

next should return Some(c) to signal a new char c.

next should return None to signal the end of building the string.

def unlines(a: List[String]): String Source

Join the list of strings a separating each pair of strings and ending the result string with the system dependent line separator.

def unwords(l: List[String]): String Source

Join the array of strings l separating each pair of strings with a single space character.

def unwrap(s: String): String Source

Unwrap the string, replacing every newline with a space

def update(i: Int32, a: Char, s: String): String Source

Returns s with the element at index i replaced by a.

Returns s if i < 0 or i > length(xs)-1.

def words(s: String): List[String] Source

Split the string s into an list of words, dividing on one or more white space characters. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed.

def wrap(w: Int32, s: String): String Source

Wrap the string s into lines that are each at most as long as w, breaking on whitespace.

If a line contains a single word that exceeds the length of w, the word will be broken.

def zip(a: String, b: String): List[(Char, Char)] Source

Returns an array where the element at index i is (x, y) where x is the element at index i in a and y is the element at index i in b.

If either a or b becomes depleted, then no further elements are added to the resulting array.

def zipWith(f: Char -> (Char -> Char \ ef), a: String, b: String): String \ ef Source

Returns a string where the element at index i is f(x, y) where x is the element at index i in a and y is the element at index i in b.

If either a or b becomes depleted, then no further elements are added to the resulting array.