enum RedBlackTree[k: Type, v: Type]
Sourcecase Leaf
case DoubleBlackLeaf
case Node(Color, RedBlackTree[k, v], k, v, RedBlackTree[k, v])
An immutable red-black tree implementation with keys
of type k
and values of type v
A red-black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. Each node is either red or black, although a transitory color double-black is allowed during deletion. The red-black tree satisfy the following invariants.
- For all nodes with key
, the left subtree contains only nodes with keysy
and the right subtree contains only nodes with keysz
. - No red node has a red parent.
- Every path from the root to a leaf contains the same number of black nodes.
instance Filterable[RedBlackTree[k]] with Order[k]
Sourceinstance Traversable[RedBlackTree[k]]
Sourceinstance UnorderedFoldable[RedBlackTree[k]]
Sourceinstance Witherable[RedBlackTree[k]] with Order[k]
def blackHeight(t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Int32
SourceReturns the black height of t
def empty(): RedBlackTree[k, v]
SourceReturns the empty tree.
def exists(f: k -> (v -> Bool \ ef), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Bool \ ef
SourceReturns true
if and only if at least one key-value pair in t
satisfies the predicate f
Returns false
if t
is the empty tree.
Returns a new copy of tree t
with just the nodes that satisfy the predicate f
def filterMap(f: a -> Option[b] \ ef, t: RedBlackTree[k, a]): RedBlackTree[k, b] \ ef with Order[k]
SourceCollects the results of applying the partial function f
to every element in t
This traverses tree t
and produces a new tree with just nodes where applying f
produces Some(_)
def findLeft(f: k -> (v -> Bool \ ef), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Option[(k, v)] \ ef
SourceOptionally returns the first key-value pair in t
that satisfies the predicate f
when searching from left to right.
def findRight(f: k -> (v -> Bool \ ef), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Option[(k, v)] \ ef
SourceOptionally returns the first key-value pair in t
that satisfies the predicate f
when searching from right to left.
def foldLeft(f: b -> (k -> (v -> b \ ef)), s: b, t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): b \ ef
SourceApplies f
to a start value s
and all key-value pairs in t
going from left to right.
That is, the result is of the form: f(...f(f(s, k1, v1), k2, v2)..., vn)
Returns the result of mapping each key-value pair and combining the results.
def foldRight(f: k -> (v -> (b -> b \ ef)), s: b, t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): b \ ef
SourceApplies f
to a start value s
and all key-value pairs in tree
going from right to left.
That is, the result is of the form: f(k1, v1, ...f(kn-1, vn-1, f(kn, vn, s)))
def foldRightWithCont(f: k -> (v -> ((Unit -> b \ ef) -> b \ ef)), z: b, t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): b \ ef
SourceApplies f
to a start value z
and all key-value pairs in t
going from right to left.
That is, the result is of the form: f(k1, v1, ...f(kn-1, vn-1, f(kn, vn, s)))
A foldRightWithCont
allows early termination by not calling the continuation.
def forAll(f: k -> (v -> Bool \ ef), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Bool \ ef
SourceReturns true
if and only if all key-value pairs in t
satisfy the predicate f
Returns true
if t
is the empty tree.
def forEach(f: k -> (v -> Unit \ ef), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Unit \ ef
SourceApplies f
to every key-value pair of t
def forEachWithIndex(f: Int32 -> (k -> (v -> Unit \ ef)), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Unit \ ef
SourceApplies f
to every key-value pair of t
along with that element's index.
Returns Some(v)
if k => v
is in t
Otherwise returns None
Updates t
with k => v
if k => v1
is in t
Otherwise, updates t
with k => v
def insertWith(f: k -> (v -> (v -> v \ ef)), k: k, v: v, t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): RedBlackTree[k, v] \ ef with Order[k]
SourceUpdates t
with k => f(k, v, v1)
if k => v1
is in t
Otherwise, updates t
with k => v
def isEmpty(t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Bool
SourceReturns true
if and only if t
is the empty tree.
def iterator(rc: Region[r], t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Iterator[(k, v), r, r] \ r
SourceReturns an iterator over t
Returns the concatenation of the string representation of each key k
in t
with sep
inserted between each element.
Returns the concatenation of the string representation of each value v
in t
with sep
inserted between each element.
def joinWith(f: k -> (v -> String \ ef), sep: String, t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): String \ ef
SourceReturns the concatenation of the string representation of each key-value pair
k => v
in t
according to f
with sep
inserted between each element.
def mapAWithKey(f: k -> (v1 -> m[v2] \ ef), t: RedBlackTree[k, v1]): m[RedBlackTree[k, v2]] \ ef with Applicative[m]
SourceReturns a RedBlackTree with mappings k => f(v)
for every k => v
in t
def mapWithKey(f: k -> (v1 -> v2 \ ef), t: RedBlackTree[k, v1]): RedBlackTree[k, v2] \ ef
SourceReturns a RedBlackTree with mappings k => f(k, v)
for every k => v
in t
Purity reflective: Runs in parallel when given a pure function f
def maximumKey(t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Option[(k, v)]
SourceExtracts k => v
where k
is the rightmost (i.e. largest) key in the tree.
Returns true
if and only if t
contains the key k
def minimumKey(t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Option[(k, v)]
SourceExtracts k => v
where k
is the leftmost (i.e. smallest) key in the tree.
def nonEmpty(t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Bool
SourceReturns true
if and only if t
is a non-empty tree.
def parCount(f: k -> (v -> Bool), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Int32
SourceApplies f
over the tree t
in parallel and returns the number of elements
that satisfy the predicate f
The implementation spawns a number of threads each applying f
from left to right on some subtree that is disjoint from the rest of
the threads.
def parExists(f: k -> (v -> Bool), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Bool
SourceReturns true
if and only if at least one key-value pair in t
satisfies the predicate f
Returns false
if t
is the empty tree.
The function f
must be pure.
Traverses the tree t
in parallel.
def parForAll(f: k -> (v -> Bool), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Bool
SourceReturns true
if and only if all key-value pairs in t
satisfy the predicate f
Returns true
if t
is the empty tree.
The function f
must be pure.
Traverses the tree t
in parallel.
def parMaximumBy(cmp: k -> (v -> (k -> (v -> Comparison))), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Option[(k, v)]
SourceApplies cmp
over the tree t
in parallel and optionally returns the largest
element according to cmp
The implementation spawns a number of threads each applying cmp
from left to right on some subtree that is disjoint from the rest of
the threads.
def parMinimumBy(cmp: k -> (v -> (k -> (v -> Comparison))), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Option[(k, v)]
SourceApplies cmp
over the tree t
in parallel and optionally returns the lowest
element according to cmp
The implementation spawns a number of threads each applying cmp
from left to right on some subtree that is disjoint from the rest of
the threads.
def parSumWith(f: k -> (v -> Int32), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Int32
SourceReturns the sum of all key-value pairs k => v
in the tree t
according to the function f
The implementation spawns a number of threads each applying f
from left to right on some subtree that is disjoint from the rest of
the threads.
def rangeQuery(p: k -> Comparison \ ef1, f: k -> (v -> a \ ef2), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): List[a] \ ef1 + ef2
SourceExtracts a range of key-value pairs from t
That is, the result is a list of all pairs f(k, v)
where p(k)
returns Equal
def rangeQueryWith(p: k -> Comparison \ ef1, f: k -> (v -> Unit \ ef2), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Unit \ ef1 + ef2
SourceApplies f
to all key-value pairs from t
where p(k)
returns Comparison.EqualTo
The function f
must be impure.
def reduceLeft(f: k -> (v -> (k -> (v -> (k, v) \ ef))), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Option[(k, v)] \ ef
SourceApplies f
to all key-value pairs in tree
going from left to right until a single pair (k, v)
is obtained.
That is, the result is of the form: Some(f(...f(f(k1, v1, k2, v2), k3, v3)..., kn, vn))
Returns None
if t
is the empty tree.
def reduceRight(f: k -> (v -> (k -> (v -> (k, v) \ ef))), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Option[(k, v)] \ ef
SourceApplies f
to all key-value pairs in t
going from right to left until a single pair (k, v)
is obtained.
That is, the result is of the form: Some(f(k1, v1, ...f(kn-2, vn-2, f(kn-1, vn-1, kn, vn))...))
Returns None
if t
is the empty tree.
Removes k => v
from t
if t
contains the key k
Otherwise, returns t
def size(t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Int32
SourceReturns the number of nodes in t
def sumKeys(t: RedBlackTree[Int32, v]): Int32
SourceReturns the sum of all keys in the tree t
def sumValues(t: RedBlackTree[k, Int32]): Int32
SourceReturns the sum of all values in the tree t
def sumWith(f: k -> (v -> Int32 \ ef), t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): Int32 \ ef
SourceReturns the sum of all key-value pairs k => v
in the tree t
according to the function f
def toList(t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): List[(k, v)]
SourceReturns the tree t
as a list. Elements are ordered from smallest (left) to largest (right).
def toMutDeque(rc: Region[r], t: RedBlackTree[k, v]): MutDeque[(k, v), r] \ r
SourceReturns the tree t
as a MutDeque. Elements are ordered from smallest (left) to largest (right).