


eff LoggerSource

An effect used to log messages.


def log(s: Severity, m: String): Unit Source

Logs the given message m at the given severity s.


def debug(m: a): Unit \ Logger with ToString[a] Source

Logs the message m at the Debug level.

def fatal(m: a): Unit \ Logger with ToString[a] Source

Logs the message m at the Fatal level.

def handle(f: a -> b \ ef): a -> b \ (ef - Logger) + IO Source

Handles the Logger effect of the given function f.

In other words, re-interprets the Logger effect using the IO effect.

def info(m: a): Unit \ Logger with ToString[a] Source

Logs the message m at the Info level.

def runWithIO(f: Unit -> a \ ef): a \ (ef - Logger) + IO Source

Runs the Logger effect of the given function f.

In other words, re-interprets the Logger effect using the IO effect.

def trace(m: a): Unit \ Logger with ToString[a] Source

Logs the message m at the Trace level.

def warn(m: a): Unit \ Logger with ToString[a] Source

Logs the message m at the Warn level.