
eff FileWriteSource

An effect used to write to the file system.

All operations on this effect are infalliable. If an operation fails the handler must deal with it.


def append(data: { str = String }, f: String): Unit Source

Appends str to the given file f.

Creates the file f if it does not exist.

def appendBytes(data: Vector[Int8], f: String): Unit Source

Appends data to the given file f.

Creates the file f if it does not exist.

def appendLines(data: { lines = List[String] }, f: String): Unit Source

Appends lines to the given file f.

Creates the file f if it does not exist.

def mkDir(d: String): Unit Source

Creates the directory d.

def mkDirs(d: String): Unit Source

Creates the directory d and all its parent directories.

def truncate(f: String): Unit Source

Truncates the given file f.

def write(data: { str = String }, f: String): Unit Source

Writes str to the given file f.

Creates file f if it does not exist. Overwrites it if it exists.

def writeBytes(data: Vector[Int8], f: String): Unit Source

Writes data to the given file f.

Creates file f if it does not exist. Overwrites it if it exists.

def writeLines(data: { lines = List[String] }, f: String): Unit Source

Writes lines to the given file f.

Creates f if it does not exist. Overwrites it if it exists.


def handle(f: a -> b \ ef): a -> Result[IoError, b] \ (ef & (~FileWrite)) + IO Source

Handles the FileWrite effect of the given function f.

In other words, re-interprets the FileWrite effect using the IO effect.