


eff EnvironmentSource


def getArgs(): List[String] Source

Returns the arguments passed to the program via the command line.

def getCurrentWorkingDirectory(): Option[String] Source

Returns the user's current working directory

def getEnv(): Map[String, String] Source

Returns an map of the current system environment.

def getFileSeparator(): String Source

Returns the file separator

def getLineSeparator(): String Source

Returns the system line separator

def getOsArch(): Option[String] Source

Returns the operating system architecture

def getOsName(): Option[String] Source

Returns the operating system name

def getOsVersion(): Option[String] Source

Returns the operating system version

def getPathSeparator(): String Source

Returns the path separator

def getProp(name: String): Option[String] Source

Returns the system property by name.

def getTemporaryDirectory(): Option[String] Source

Returns the default temp file path

def getUserHomeDirectory(): Option[String] Source

Returns the user's home directory

def getUserName(): Option[String] Source

Returns the user's account name

def getVar(name: String): Option[String] Source

Returns the value of the specified environment variable.

def getVirtualProcessors(): Int32 Source

Returns the number of virtual processors available to the JVM.

The returned value is never less than one.


def handle(f: a -> b \ ef): a -> b \ (ef - Environment) + Sys + IO Source

Handles the Environment effect of the given function f.

In other words, re-interprets the Environment effect using the Sys and IO effects.

def runWithIO(f: Unit -> a \ ef): a \ (ef - Environment) + Sys + IO Source

Runs the Environment effect of the given function f.

In other words, re-interprets the Environment effect using the IO effect.