


eff ConsoleSource

An effect used to interact with the console.


def eprint(s: String): Unit Source

Prints the given string s to the standard err.

def eprintln(s: String): Unit Source

Prints the given string s to the standard err followed by a new line.

def print(s: String): Unit Source

Prints the given string s to the standard out.

def println(s: String): Unit Source

Prints the given string s to the standard out followed by a new line.

def readln(): String Source

Reads a single line from the console.


def handle(f: a -> b \ ef): a -> b \ (ef - Console) + IO Source

Handles the Console effect of the given function f.

In other words, re-interprets the Console effect using the IO effect.

def runWithIO(f: Unit -> a \ ef): a \ (ef - Console) + IO Source

Runs the Console effect of the given function f.

In other words, re-interprets the Console effect using the IO effect.