


eff AbortSource

An effect used to abort computation with an error message.


def abort(m: String): Void Source

Immediately aborts the current computation with the given error message m.

The computation cannot be resumed.


def handle(f: a -> b \ ef): a -> Result[String, b] \ ef - Abort Source

Handle the Abort effect of the given function f.

Returns a function that - returns Ok(f()) if the computation completes successfully without aborting. - returns Err(m) if the computation aborts with error message m.

def runWithResult(f: Unit -> a \ ef): Result[String, a] \ ef - Abort Source

Runs the Abort effect of the given function f.

Returns Ok(f()) if the computation completes successfully without aborting. Returns Err(m) if the computation aborts with error message m.