

def abs(x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the absolute value of x. If the absolute value exceeds maxValue(), -1 is returned.

def bitCount(x: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns the number of one-bits in the two's complement binary representation of x.

def bitwiseAnd(x: Int16, y: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the bitwise AND of x and y.

def bitwiseNot(x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the bitwise NOT of x.

def bitwiseOr(x: Int16, y: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the bitwise OR of x and y.

def bitwiseXor(x: Int16, y: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the bitwise XOR of x and y.

def clampToInt8(min: { min = Int8 }, max: { max = Int8 }, x: Int16): Int8 Source

Convert x to an Int8.

Returns x clamped within the Int8 range min to max.

def clearBit(pos: { pos = Int32 }, x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns x with the bit at position pos cleared (to 0). Considers the 5 rightmost bits of pos (pos mod 32). The bits of x have positions: 0 (rightmost bit) - 15 (leftmost bit)

def compare(x: Int16, y: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns 1 if x > y, -1 if x < y, and 0 if x = y. The sign of x - y.

def dist(x: Int16, y: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the distance between x and y. If this distance exceeds maxValue(), -1 is returned.

def factorial(x: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns the factorial of x.

def flipBit(pos: { pos = Int32 }, x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns x with the bit at position pos flipped. Considers the 5 rightmost bits of pos (pos mod 32). The bits of x have positions: 0 (rightmost bit) - 15 (leftmost bit)

def fromString(s: String): Option[Int16] Source

Parse the string s as an Int16, leading or trailing whitespace is trimmed. A successful parse is wrapped with Some(x), a parse failure is indicated by None.

def getBit(pos: { pos = Int32 }, x: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns the bit of x at pos (either 0 or 1). Considers the 5 rightmost bits of pos (pos mod 32). The bits of x have positions: 0 (rightmost bit) - 15 (leftmost bit)

def highestOneBit(x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns a value with at most a single one-bit, in the position of the highest-order/leftmost one-bit in x. Returns 0 if x=0.

def highestOneBitPosition(x: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns the position of the highest-order/leftmost one-bit in x. Possible return values: 0 (rightmost bit) - 15 (leftmost bit) -1 if x = 0

def leftShift(x: Int16, y: Int32): Int16 Source

Returns x with the bits shifted left by y places

def log2(x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the integer binary logarithm of x. If the given value is 0 or negative, 0 is returned.

def logicalRightShift(dist: { dist = Int32 }, x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the logical right shift of x by distance. Only the rightmost 5 bits of distance are considered (ie. distance rem 32). A zero is shifted into the leftmost position regardless of sign extension.

def lowestOneBit(x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns a value with at most a single one-bit, in the position of the highest-order/leftmost one-bit in x. Returns 0 if x=0.

def lowestOneBitPosition(x: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns the position of the lowest-order/rightmost one-bit in x. Possible return values: 0 (rightmost bit) - 15 (leftmost bit) -1 if x = 0

def max(x: Int16, y: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the larger of x and y.

def maxValue(): Int16 Source

Returns the maximum number representable by an Int16.

def min(x: Int16, y: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the smaller of x and y.

def minValue(): Int16 Source

Returns the minimum number representable by an Int16.

def modulo(x: Int16, n: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the Euclidean modulo of x and n. The result is always non-negative.

def numberOfLeadingZeros(x: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns the number of zero bits preceding the highest-order/leftmost one-bit in x. Returns 16 if x=0.

def numberOfTrailingZeros(x: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns the number of zero bits following the lowest-order/rightmost one-bit in x. Returns 16 if x=0.

def pow(b: Int16, n: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns b raised to the power of n.

def remainder(x: Int16, n: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the remainder of x / n. The result can be negative.

See also Int16.modulo.

def reverse(x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the value obtained by reversing the bits in the two's complement binary representation of x.

def rightShift(x: Int16, y: Int32): Int16 Source

Returns x with the bits shifted right by y places

def rotateLeft(dist: { dist = Int32 }, x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the the value obtained by rotating the two's complement binary representation of x left by distance bits.

def rotateRight(dist: { dist = Int32 }, x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns the the value obtained by rotating the two's complement binary representation of x right by distance bits.

def setBit(pos: { pos = Int32 }, x: Int16): Int16 Source

Returns x with the bit at position pos set (to 1). Considers the 5 rightmost bits of pos (pos mod 32). The bits of x have positions: 0 (rightmost bit) - 15 (leftmost bit)

def shortValue(i: java.lang.Short): Int16 Source

Get the primitive Int16 value from its object representation (i.e. ##java.lang.Short).

This function is expected to be used when marshaling Int16s from Java. Generally in Flix code you should not need to use ##java.lang.Short.

def signum(x: Int16): Int32 Source

Returns 1 if x > 0, -1 if x < 0, and 0 if x = 0. The sign of x.

def size(): Int32 Source

Returns the number of bits used to represent an Int16.

def toBigDecimal(x: Int16): BigDecimal Source

Convert x to a BigDecimal.

The numeric value of x is preserved exactly.

def toBigInt(x: Int16): BigInt Source

Convert x to a BigInt.

The numeric value of x is preserved exactly.

def toFloat32(x: Int16): Float32 Source

Convert x to a Float32.

The numeric value of x is preserved exactly.

def toFloat64(x: Int16): Float64 Source

Convert x to a Float64.

The numeric value of x is preserved exactly.

def toInt32(x: Int16): Int32 Source

Convert x to a Int32.

The numeric value of x is preserved exactly.

def toInt64(x: Int16): Int64 Source

Convert x to a Int64.

The numeric value of x is preserved exactly.

def toString(x: Int16): String Source

Return a string representation of x.

def tryToInt8(x: Int16): Option[Int8] Source

Convert x to an Option[Int8].

Returns Some(x as Int8) if the numeric value of x can be represented exactly.

Returns None if the numeric value of x is outside the range of Int8 (i.e. -128 to 127).

def valueOf(i: Int16): java.lang.Short Source

Convert an Int16 value to its object representation (i.e. ##java.lang.Short).

This function is expected to be used when marshaling Int16s to Java. Generally in Flix code you should not need to use ##java.lang.Short.